Registering as a home baker

Kim’s Story

Registering as a home baker

Kim: “So, my business is called Caketin Love.

I started baking cakes for my kids when they were little. I guess that’s what started it all really.

I sell them from home in Oakley and I also do wedding shows around the North.

A lady from Kiwi cakes in Kamo mentioned to me that she has a food safety plan and it wasn’t scary at all, and that I should go and talk to the lady at the council.

I was going to build on a separate kitchen, but I didn’t need to so that was good.

I have a lady come and see me once a year to check that I’ve correctly filled out my food safety plan and if I’ve got any questions that’s when I ask her.

She just makes sure everything’s still ok, the weekly clean for instance, the pest control – she’ll ask if I’ve had any problems.

It just makes you aware of what you’re doing, and it makes you aware of the food safety you’ve got to meet, like keeping you’re things separate, making sure you’ve got your flour for your baking in one container, your flour for your home in one container.

I also have things like hand sanitiser, soap and handy towels to dry your hands on rather than tea towels that aren’t very hygienic.

I’ll check the temperature of my fridge every day, even if I don’t use it.

When it’s full, it’s different from when it’s empty.

It used to be that you had to have a commercial kitchen to do anything. You weren’t allowed to use your home kitchen at all so hopefully that means that more people will do the food safety plan so they’ll be safe.

They just want to make sure you’ve got a healthy kitchen and that you’re going to provide a good service to your customers and that there’s not going to be any contamination of any sort.”

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