Pressure and stress are part of life, but we can manage them better with mediation, visualisation, and positive self-talk. Performance coach Todd Astle tells us how.
[Audio/Visual: Gentle music starts playing as a blue introduction screen with wording the “ presents” displayed in white text in the centre of the screen. The music plays throughout the video.]
[Visual: The wording changes on the blue screen to “Brave in business e-learning series” displayed in white text in the centre of the screen.]
[Visual: Screen changes to show the introduction presenter Kim Tay in the centre of the screen. On the bottom left-hand side of the screen the presenter’s name “Kim Tay” is displayed in white text. The text “Kim Tay” disappears from screen. On the bottom right-hand side of the screen the “” logo is displayed in white text. The logo remains in place for the entire video.]
[Introduction presenter, Kim Tay speaks]
In this course we’ll be sharing tools for performing under pressure and staying calm in conflict situations.
In this first video, Todd will talk about how we can perform under pressure. How can we manage our emotions and stop feeling overwhelmed?
Visual: Screen changes to display a blue screen with the title “Performing under pressure" displayed in large bold white text in the centre of the screen. Beneath the title is the sub-title text “with Todd Astle” and “The Wellbeing Works” in smaller white text.
[Visual: Screen changes to show the main presenter Todd Astle in the centre of screen. On the bottom left-hand side of the screen the text “Todd Astle” is displayed in small white text. The text “Todd Astle” disappears from screen.]
[Visual: On the left-hand side of the presenter the title text “Everyday MVP” appears in large bold white text and stays in place.]
[Presenter, Todd Astle speaks]
More often than not, we are busy and distracted. I want to highlight key strategies to become more aware, rewire your brain, think more clearly and have more energy. The tool is called Everyday MVP:
[Visual: Screen changes to show the presenter Todd Astle on the right-hand side of the screen.]
[Visual: Beneath the text “Everyday MVP”, the text “Meditation” appears in smaller white text. The text “Meditation” disappears from screen. Beneath the text “Everyday MVP”, the text “Visualisation” appears in smaller white text. The text “Visualisation” disappears from screen. Beneath the text “Everyday MVP”, the text “Positive self-talk” appears in smaller white text. The text “Everyday MVP” and “Positive self-talk” disappears from screen.]
[Presenter, Todd Astle speaks]
which stands for meditation, visualisation and positive self-talk.
[Visual: The text “Meditation” reappears centrally in small white text on the left-hand side of the presenter. The text “Meditation” disappears from screen.]
[Visual: Screen zooms in to show the presenter Todd Astle at a closer angle on the right-hand side of the screen.]
[Presenter, Todd Astle speaks]
Let’s start with meditation. Think of your attention as a muscle. As with any muscle, exercise is a good idea. In this case, the exercise is meditation. Meditating will make your attention stronger.
[Visual: Screen changes to show the presenter Todd Astle in the centre of the screen.]
[Presenter, Todd Astle speaks]
Meditation is systematically focusing on one thing. The most basic form of meditation is focusing on your breath.
It’s a powerful tool but often overlooked.
[Visual: The screen zooms out slightly to show the presenter Todd Astle a wider angle.]
[Presenter, Todd Astle speaks]
Focusing on breathing can help you calm down and refocus. Being calm puts you into the best state for problem solving.
[Visual: The changes to show the presenter Todd Astle on the left-hand side of the screen.]
[Visual: The text “Benefits of meditation” appears centrally in large bold white text on the right-hand side of the presenter and stays in place.]
[Visual: Beneath the text “Benefits of meditation”, the text “Reduces depression, anxiety and perfectionism” appears in smaller white text. The text “Reduces depression, anxiety and perfectionism” disappears from screen.]
[Presenter, Todd Astle speaks]
Research has shown many, many benefits of meditation.
It helps people with depression, anxiety and perfectionism.
[Visual: Beneath the text “Benefits of meditation”, the text “Increases energy, clears thinking, gives inner calm” appears in smaller white text. The text “Increases energy, clears thinking, gives inner calm” disappears from screen.]
[Presenter, Todd Astle speaks]
It increases energy, clears thinking, and gives an inner calm.
[Visual: Beneath the text “Benefits of meditation”, the text “Improves productivity and sleep” appears in smaller white text. The text “Improves productivity and sleep” disappears from screen.]
[Visual: Beneath the text “Benefits of meditation”, the text “Increases happiness” appears in smaller white text. The text “Increases happiness” disappears from screen.]
[Visual: Beneath the text “Benefits of meditation”, the text “Reduces anxiety and stress” appears in smaller white text. The text “Benefits of meditation” and “Reduces anxiety and stress” disappears from screen.]
[Presenter, Todd Astle speaks]
With regular practice, we become more productive, sleep better, feel happier, less anxious and less stressed.
[Visual: Screen changes to show presenter in the centre of the screen.]
[Presenter, Todd Astle speaks]
Everything we are crying out for in our modern fast-paced society.
[Visual: The screen zooms in slightly to show presenter Todd Astle at a closer angle]
[Visual: The text “Visualisation” reappears centrally in small white text on the left-hand side of the presenter. The text “Visualisation” disappears from screen.]
[Presenter, Todd Astle speaks]
The second part of MVP is visualisation. Visualisation is a simple tool to create a strong mental image of a future event. With good use of visualisation, you can prepare for an event or any other pressure moments you may face. By visualising success, you can build the self-confidence you need to perform well.
[Visual: The screen zooms out slightly to show presenter Todd Astle at a wider angle]
[Presenter, Todd Astle speaks]
For example, imagine you have a sales pitch to a big new client next week. You're nervous already, and you might be worried about answering the client’s questions badly, speaking awkwardly about your past achievements, or forgetting your prepared notes.
We've all probably experienced negative thinking like this.
But you could visualise the pitch going well instead. You could picture yourself talking confidently, easily describing all of your past achievements, and nailing your tone and body language. That vision looks a lot better, doesn't it?
[Visual: The screen zooms in slightly to show presenter Todd Astle at a closer angle]
[Presenter, Todd Astle speaks]
Visualising success is healthy and helpful.
[Visual: The text “Positive self-talk” reappears centrally in small white text on the left-hand side of the presenter. The text “Positive self-talk” disappears from screen.]
[Presenter, Todd Astle speaks]
The third part of MVP is positive self-talk. Now we all talk to ourselves, we have an inner voice that can build us up or tear us down. Self-talk affects our confidence, emotions and our performance.
[Visual: The changes to show the presenter Todd Astle on the right-hand side of the screen.]
[Visual: The text “60,000 thoughts a day” appears centrally in small white text on the left-hand side of the presenter and stays in place.]
[Visual: Beneath the text “60,000 thoughts a day”, the text “77% are negative” appears in small white text. The text “60,000 thoughts a day” and “77% are negative” disappears from screen.]
[Presenter, Todd Astle speaks]
Research shows that we have 60,000 thoughts a day — and 77% of those thoughts are negative. Our self-talk affects all that we do.
[Visual: Screen changes to display a white blurred background over top of the presenter.]
[Visual: The text “Investing time to develop positive self-talk is crucial to performance and happiness” appears in the centre of the screen in large white text and stays in place. On the right-hand side of the text a white animation of a person talking appears and stays in place.]
[Visual: The text “Investing time to develop positive self-talk is crucial to performance and happiness” and the animation of a person talking disappears from screen.]
[Presenter, Todd Astle speaks]
Investing time to develop positive self-talk is crucial to performance and happiness.
[Visual: The text “Positivity allows us to enjoy life and gives us confidence and self-belief” appears in the centre of the screen in large white text and stays in place. On the right-hand side of the text “Positivity allows us to enjoy life and gives us confidence and self-belief” a white animation of a smiling face appears.]
[Visual: The text “Positivity allows us to enjoy life and gives us confidence and self-belief” and the animation of a smiling face disappears from screen.]
[Presenter, Todd Astle speaks]
The positivity allows us to enjoy life, and gives us confidence and self-belief.
[Visual: The text “We can rewire our brains and create new thoughts and habits for success” appears in the centre of the screen in large white text and stays in place. On the right-hand side of the text “We can rewire our brains and create new thoughts and habits for success” a white animation of a brain appears.]
[Visual: The text “We can rewire our brains and create new thoughts and habits for success” and the animation of a brain disappears from screen.]
[Presenter, Todd Astle speaks]
We can rewire our brains and create new thoughts and habits for success.
[Visual: Screen changes to show presenter in the centre of the screen.]
[Visual: The text “MVP exercise” appears centrally in large white text on the left-hand side of the presenter. The text “MVP exercise” disappears from screen.]
[Presenter, Todd Astle speaks]
Let’s do an MVP exercise which ties together meditation, visualisation and positive self-talk. It’s helped me and others feel less nervous, doubtful, insecure, and stressed. The exercise calms the brain and helps us focus on the present.
[Visual: The screen zooms in slightly to show presenter Todd Astle at a closer angle.]
[Visual: The test “Focus on your breath” appears centrally in large white text on the left-hand side of the presenter. The text “Focus on your breath” disappears from screen.]
[Presenter, Todd Astle speaks]
Start by focusing on your breath. Breathe in through your nose. Breathe out through your mouth. Focusing on a longer exhale. You may want to close your eyes. There is no right or wrong way to do this breathing. Just be aware of it. If your mind wanders, bring your attention back to your breathing. Back to the ‘now’.
[Visual: The screen zooms out slightly to show presenter Todd Astle at a wider angle.]
[Visual: The text “Think of a stressful situation” appears centrally in large white text on the left-hand side of the presenter. The text “Think of a stressful situation” disappears from screen.]
[Presenter, Todd Astle speaks]
Next, think of a stressful situation. Maybe you’re giving a presentation, being interviewed, or trying to meet a deadline. Imagine yourself getting ready to deliver and perform. Ready to take confident actions to the best of your ability. See what’s around you, sense the audience, hear the sounds. Feel all the feelings that come with being under pressure – the nerves, the doubts, the discomfort.
Fully bring yourself into that moment, feel all the energy flowing through your body. Notice how you are fully present, ready to do your best, with a great attitude, completely focused on the task despite any distractions. In this moment you are thinking about what’s important now. You are fully ready to perform and deliver. No matter what happens, you focus on what’s in your control and let go of what isn’t. You feel ready, you feel relaxed, and you feel confident.
And as you feel this confidence, say to yourself, “I take confident actions in the face of fear and uncertainty. I focus on what’s in my control and let everything else go. I am worthy, I have great effort, great focus, and a great attitude every time I’m called upon to deliver results.”
OK, let’s wrap this exercise up. Bring your focus back to where you are, to the breath, to the here and now.
[Visual: The screen zooms in slightly to show presenter Todd Astle at a closer angle.]
[Presenter, Todd Astle speaks]
Amazing job!
Meditation is about focusing on the present. You can’t change the past, so focus on the present so that you can get the best possible future.
Many people get stuck because they focus on what is out of their control. Or they focus purely on results and lose sight of the things that are in their control.
Keep checking in with yourself - what’s important now? What’s your attitude, effort, focus and actions?
[Visual: The screen changes to show presenter Todd Astle on the right-hand side of the screen.]
[Visual: The text “MVP method” appears centrally in large bold white text on the left-hand side of the presenter and stays in place. Beneath the text “MVP method” the text “Meditate” reappears in smaller white text and disappears from screen. Beneath the text “MVP method” the text “Visualisation” reappears in smaller white text and disappears from screen. Beneath the text “MVP method” the text “Positive self-talk” reappears in smaller white text and disappears from screen. The text “MVP method” disappears from screen.]
[Presenter, Todd Astle speaks]
Focus on the present by using the MVP method: meditate, visualise, and use positive self-talk.
[Visual: Screen changes to show presenter in the centre of the screen.]
[Presenter, Todd Astle speaks]
Meditation helps you focus.
Meditation and visualisation together improve consciousness and self-awareness, and focuses our minds. Meditation, visualisation and self-talk together are a powerful tool to create what you want for success.
[Visual: Screen changes to show a blue background with the “” logo in white in centre of the screen.]
[Visual: The screen changes to shows a blue background with the “Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment” logo in white on the left-hand side of the screen. The text “Te Kāwanatanga o Aotearoa New Zealand Government” appears in large white text on the right-hand side of the screen. The video ends on this screen.]
[Video ends]
Practicing meditation, visualisation and positive self-talk boosts energy and clears thinking. Check out how to get started, print it out or view it on our website.
Return to the “Performing under pressure” e-learning series for more on how to stay calm, think more clearly and have more energy.