We work with experts in the public and private sectors to get best practice advice for small businesses.
If you or your organisation would like to submit an article, event or other content for business.govt.nz, here's how.
We’re looking for website content that:
Once we've published your content, remember to tell us if any links to your own — or other websites — change.
Once you’ve read the guidelines below, get in touch — we’d love to hear your content ideas.
We’re interested in hearing from any public or private sector organisation interested in contributing to business.govt.nz. However, we reserve the right to decline any content that does not meet our criteria.
Content can include articles and/or videos for our website.
As a guide, content from the following types of organisations most often fit our criteria:
We’re open to partnering with organisations that support New Zealand businesses.
You may be able to partner with us if the content we publish in partnership with you on our website is informational and not promotional.
We can link from our website to your website. However, any links to more information on your website must be free to access and should not require people to sign up to access any website or service you provide, or contain advertising for products or services.
We work with various organisations. We do not have exclusive partnerships.
Business.govt.nz is a government website for small businesses with 19 or fewer employees. We aim to reach business owners, operators and advisors through our website, our newsletter and social media. Typically, our audience is short on time and needs quick answers to business problems.
Our audience includes:
All content on business.govt.nz uses plain English. Our audience is time-poor, so we translate government and business jargon into the words and phrases they use.
Think beyond straight text. Our website uses content blocks to better showcase different types of content, for example breakout tips, quizzes, visual guides, case studies or videos.
Have a browse of our website to get a feel for how we talk to small businesses and present advice and information.
Clear and consistent — avoid jargon, slang and legalese.
Trustworthy — your advice must be seen as being definitive and not contradicting government sources.
Helpful — content must offer practical ways to improve a business. How can you help someone make a decision and implement it?
Action focused — explain what a business should do to improve their processes, or solve a problem, and show how to do it. Step-by-step guides and common mistakes are often helpful.
Relatable — case studies are a great way to bring a topic to life, especially if focused on a learning moment. These can be fictional businesses, or real business owners who are happy to be quoted.
Not too long, not too short — there’s no set word limit, although 300-600 words is a good guide for newsletter articles. If your content is longer, consider splitting it up into separate topics.
To provide content for business.govt.nz, use the submission form below. Make sure you include:
If your proposed content is not in an online format, for example MS Word/PDF documents, videos, templates, tools, email us with the above information for review.
We may need to talk to you, for example, if we want to edit it to fit our style. If we want to publish it, we will get in touch with you.