

E-bikes, bike parks, showers and events encourage walking, biking and public transport.

Good support makes keeping active easy

Jasmax is an award-winning architecture and design practice. They’re committed to making sustainability a part of their designs and their business operations. And they’re keen to inspire others in their industry to do the same. In the year to 2020, they cut their carbon footprint by almost 30%.

Part of Jasmax’s approach to sustainable operations is providing support for staff to be active. As a result, around three-quarters of staff get to work by foot, bike, or public transport. Jasmax provide e-bikes, secure bike parks and showers. They also have regular e-bike training. Staff find the e-bikes great for getting to meetings — they’re much quicker than waiting for a taxi or Uber.

Motivational events are a big part of Jasmax’s company culture. Each year, staff take part in the Aotearoa Bike Challenge, Auckland Walk Challenge, and Wellington’s Round the Bays.

The Auckland studio has won its category in the Aotearoa Bike Challenge for 6 years in a row. Jasmax’s statistics for 2021 are fantastic: 40% of staff cycled (up from 30% in 2020), totalling 8910km in 711 trips. Jasmax Auckland also came sixth in its category in New Zealand. Altogether, Jasmax saved 839kg CO2 by cycling in February 2021.

Elsa Benjamin, Jasmax Senior Architect

Elsa Benjamin, Jasmax Senior Architect

“The fullness of Jasmax’s bike garage on a sunny day shows cycling’s increasing popularity,” says Elsa Benjamin, Jasmax Senior Architect. “The Aotearoa Bike Challenge has helped some staff gain the confidence to regularly cycle to work. And it’s helped others go on to more challenging events.”