Thankyou Payroll

Thankyou Payroll

Payroll company uses footprint data to help drive smart decisions.

Calculating emissions is an important first step

Thankyou Payroll is New Zealand’s only payroll company with carbon-positive certification. They remove the time and stress of running payroll, while having a positive impact in their community.

They’ve been tracking and calculating their emissions since 2016. First, they built a detailed picture of their carbon footprint. They got Ekos, a carbon offsetting company, to help. They then used that data to take climate action.

They’re now reducing air travel and combining trips wherever possible. They’re saving energy with more efficient air conditioning units. And they’re making the most of natural light in the office. They’ve also run in-house waste audits to educate the team and a worm farm composts their organic waste.

Those actions are paying off. Emissions are trending down, even as the business grows larger.

Christina Bellis, Former CEO

Christina Bellis, Former CEO

“Calculating emissions gives you a map of your business,” says Christina Bellis, CEO. “Having that data lets you make smart decisions. You know which actions will make the most impact. And which will make the best use of your investment.”